Wednesday, October 17, 2018

6 Games You Can Play with Children In a Hotel Room

When you are on a family vacation and suddenly there is a crack of lightning and the heavy rain starts, it means you are stuck inside the hotel. If you are accommodating at one of the cheap hotels in Karachi, you may experience some downpour in the moths of June to September, or even October sometimes. You may want to keep your children calm and collected. Playing some great games inside your hotel’s room can be a good idea in doing so.

Games You Can Play with Children In a Hotel Room

1. Pictionary

Hotel rooms come equipped with notepads and pens, which makes Pictionary an easy go-to game if there are no other games available. Have your family members sit on the floor, sofa, or around the bed and take turns to draw pictures and have other members of the family guess what the picture says. Spiriting up the teams can make the game even more interesting as one team can give the other team a picture to draw. Make sure to have scoreboard to add more fun and enthusiasm to the game.

2. Charades

Charades is another fun hotel game that doesn’t need any extra items like a dice or boars. You just have to act out certain things, like places or people, and have other family members guess what it is. You also use pens and notepads available in the hotel room to give each other ideas. Write out some ideas and put them in an empty container or a dresser drawer and have each person pick a random thing and act it out.

3. Card Games

Any type of card games is perfect to be played in a hotel room. From blackjack to poker or war to solitaire, a deck of cards can make a devastating day you have to spend being stuck in a hotel room much easier to deal with. If you don’t have a deck of cards, you can ask the front desk if they have a deck for customers to borrow.

4. Hide and Seek

It is a win-win situation to make your young ones happy when you are stuck in a hotel room. Have the seeker wait outside the room while other family members can hide in the room in different places. While there may not be too many places to hide, the game is a surefire hit for children. You can choose the closets, bathroom, behind the curtain, and under the covers to hide.

5. Board Games

Typically, people don’t think to pack a board game when going for a vacation, but having a travel sized game or favorite family game doesn’t hurt. Break out a board game on hand your children love and have all family members play to keep the children sane and happy while you are stuck in a hotel room due to bad weather.

6. Scavenger Hunt

While it takes a little time to set everything up, scavenger hunts are fun to play for people of all ages. Choose some things and hide them somewhere in your hotel room. Write out different clues and hand it out to your children so they try to comprehend what and where the thing is. Just make sure to be careful not to let your kids make too much noise to disturb the neighbors.

 These are some of the best and easiest games to play in a hotel room with children. When you are busy finding the best Karachi hotelroom rates, don’t forget to call the hotel you have chosen and ask if they have some card games so you won't have to pack it when leaving.